Windflower Farm

Farmer Ted
Farmer Ted in the greenhouses
at Windflower Farm
photo from

Windflower Farm is a small, organic family farm in upstate New York, nestled on 38 acres in the Taconic Hill country between Saratoga Springs and the Vermont border. It's an area made beautiful by the mix of small farms, open fields and wooded landscapes. Ted and Jan have been growing organic vegetables and cut flowers for shareholders in New York City for over ten years.

Ted And Jan Blomgren
Windflower Farm
585 Meeting House Road
Valley Falls NY 12185

You can follow Windflower Farm on Facebook: Windflower Farm CSA

TIME Magazine Article

Ted and Jan were featured in TIME Magazine in March 2007. An excerpt is below. Read the full article here.

"Blomgren runs Windflower with his wife Jan. He is 46, and on the day we rode to the farm, he wore sandals and glasses. Ted, who has a degree from Cornell, is balding and studious, and might pass for a professor if he didn't have so much dirt under his toenails. Ted and Jan--who has lovely bright blue eyes perpetually fixed in a startled expression--have operated Windflower for eight years with their sons Nathaniel, 14, and Jacob, 11. On the day I visited last summer, I watched a barefoot Nathaniel walk to the henhouse to collect eggs in an old white bucket, as he did every day. I had been eating those eggs most days--that's how I had replaced cereal. Seeing Nate carry that bucket into the smelly humidity of the chicken coop, I realized I had never before felt so connected to my food. I had not only seen the chickens that produced my eggs but had also met the person who gathered them.

That's a core goal of CSAS--to remind you that your food originates in some place other than a grocery store."

— John Cloud, TIME Magazine