Contact the Park Slope CSA

Park Slope CSA
172 Fifth Ave., PMB #50
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Google GROUP
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Facebook Page
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Park Slope CSA

About Us

The Park Slope CSA was founded in 2000 by Just Food and several local residents and with initial assistance from the Fifth Avenue Committee. (Yes, former FAC Director, Brad Lander, now City Councilperson, knows about CSA.)

In partnership with Windflower Farm, our second farm affiliation, since 2001 we’ve grown from 35 in members in 2000 to over 325 in 2016, serving members and their families each year with fresh local produce, fruit, flowers, eggs and other goods from June into November.

Our CSA is an all volunteer membership organization hosted by the Garden of Union, a community garden on Union Street between Fourth and Fifth Avenues in Park Slope, Brooklyn.


Core members are extra-dedicated and help administer the CSA, oversee our social media, supervise the distribution, coordinate the work schedule, manage the website, maintain our data base and finances, and plan changes and improvements. In return, they receive a discounted share for their participation. If you are interested in becoming more involved, please let us know.

Our Partners

Windflower Farm
Vegetables, fruit, and flowers

CSA Lewis Waite Farm
Beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey, eggs, maple syrup, honey, yogurt, cheese, bread,and jams – by special order

Useful Links

Just Food
Find other CSA's in the city and learn more about the local/organic efforts in NYC.

Where to get organic vegetables off-season? The Park Slope Food Co-op, of course.